Top Chef All Stars Recap
By David Mumpower
March 16, 2011
The drive to the kitchen where the meal will be prepared is a funny albeit mean-spirited reveal. The All-Stars are expecting to be chauffeured to an immaculate mansion wherein they will navigate a regal kitchen and deliver a meal befitting a black tie event. Instead, they are driven down a series of ill-paved streets populated with drunken revelers. At this point, Richard, who has meticulously researched the Bahamas in preparation for the finale, recognizes that they will be cooking for Junkanoo, an annual island street parade. The king for whom they will cook is not in fact of royal lineage but instead the Secretary of Partying Down or some such title. In fact, the moment he appears on camera, I expect him to say “Hooray Beer!”
The contestants are thrown by this twist as their meticulously prepared meals are far too high brow for a group of people looking to snack between orgies. Only Tiffany is pleased by this turn of events as her dish aimed the lowest of the quintet. Of course, none of this matters as Top Chef’s roof, the roof, the roof is on fire. Actually, it’s a deep fryer and Antonia recognizes instantly that the situation is dire. Moments after she states it will catch fire, this is exactly what happens and before we know it, fire engines are making their way to Junkanoo. I’m guessing those firemen have quite a story to tell about that circuitous path to the kitchen. Are beads an internationally traded good or is that just a New Orleans thing? Richard describes the severity of the situation by stating that an uncontrollable flame is precariously positioned atop of 35 gallons of oil. Maybe that wasn’t the best time for me to bring up New Orleans.
Richard disappoints me a bit in the next segment. Antonia is strung out over the chain of events that just transpired. Rather than reassuring her, Richard pointedly attempts to unravel her further in a blatant attempt to undermine a strong competitor. Kim and I commented on how loathsome we considered this action to be when performed by Antonio. It’s nothing short of heartbreaking to see someone we like attempt such underhanded shenanigans. Richard is clearly so obsessed with winning this competition that he is in danger of losing a part of himself in the process. Champions want to beat the best competitors in the world when they are at the top of their game; Richard Blais is not behaving like a championing in this episode.
Tom Colicchio arrives to inspect the damage then deliver terrible news to the contestants. The three hours of prep work they did in creating the evening’s meal was a waste of time. The fire has ruined the dishes, meaning they must start from scratch. Given the hectic nature of the day thus far and the trauma of the fire, nerves are already frayed. Now, the competitors have to create new food for an even later dinner. This is proving to be one of the longest days of the season, only marginally better than the Target and museum episodes in terms of hours on the job but much worse in terms of tension.