Survivor: Island of the Idols

Episode 8: We Made It to the Merge!

By Kim Hollis & David Mumpower

November 19, 2019

Badness all around.

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Previously on Survivor, Kellee was sneaky and managed to get Jack voted out. Her big mistake was sharing the plan with Noura, who isn’t a reliable secret-keeper. Kellee and Dean would have had enough votes with just their two to send Jack home. Now, people know Kellee is a gamer and that she’s also willing to take her own path.

Trigger warning for tonight’s episode: It involves situations including sexual harassment, unwanted advances, and general all around stupidity. If you people weren’t reading these recaps, this would be the one that caused us to end them. But we’ll get to all that, because unfortunately, this is a TWO HOUR episode. We hate Jeff Probst.

“Don’t take anything personal,” Dean tells his tribemates. It falls on generally deaf ears, as Janet is sour about losing her “favorite” and Jamal is sour about wasting his idol on Noura (as he should be). Jamal has done some math and figures out that there were three Jack votes. He figures Noura and Dean were two of them, and gives Noura the option to answer or not.

And… she answers, “Kellee.” She’s just… terrible at the game.

Kellee asks Janet and Jamal to join her on the beach, and lies to them. She tells them that she absolutely didn’t tell Noura to vote for Jack, and though Janet believes her, Jamal has sussed things out. He wisely says, “You never try to play an underground game with Noura.”

Figuring that she might be in some trouble, Kellee joins the rest of the tribe in searching for an idol. She does manage to find it first, so as long as she plays it, she’ll last at least one more vote.

Moments later, they receive instructions to “Gather your things!” It’s time for a merge. Karishma says, “I know what the words ‘gather your’ mean!”

Dave says, “Here’s to a dope-ass merge. Let’s get lit what what!”

Remember that time on The Simpsons when Mr. Burns tried to pretend he was a student? He pulled that off better than Dave tried to pull off being “with it.”

Tommy explains to Janet and Kellee that the “new” Vokai wants to bring in the two of them for an alliance of nine. Kellee does some math and says, “Uh, no.” She figures it’s better to be the top of the old Vokai alliance than the bottom of the new Vokai alliance. For Tommy’s part, he doesn’t like being told what to do. Or maybe he just likes Elizabeth and Missy telling him what to do better than Kellee and Janet.

Still, after the commercial break, Missy and Kellee bond over the fact that Dan has been inappropriately touching them. Missy notes that you “can’t do anything about it” because if you say something, “you’ll cause a scene.” In confessional, Kellee agrees. “This happens in real life settings… and you can’t say anything because it’s going to affect your upward trajectory.”

People may say this is a calculating comment, but the unfortunate reality is that this is something women deal with every day.

In this segment, we do see Dan touching Kellee’s hair and her face, and putting his arm around Missy as she tries to sleep. He wiggles Missy’s toes while she’s in conversation with someone else. We’ve seen Dan’s lack of boundaries before, and he truly seems to lack awareness about their inappropriateness.

Back in confessional, Kellee gets teary-eyed as she recognizes that other women are disturbed by Dan’s behavior as well. “It’s not in my head, like, I’m not overreacting to this.”

For the first time ever, we hear the voice of a producer. “You know if there are issues to the point where things need to happen…”

Kellee replies that she thinks he will stop, because Dan is scared.

“Are you sure?” the producer asks. “Because this is not okay.”

She confirms that she’s good.

Cut to Tommy talking with Lauren about how Kellee scares him to death. “Look at her talking with Missy, and now they’re best friends,” he says, paranoid.

Apparently, Missy was supposed to be the person voted out at the next Tribal Council, so Kellee talking to her is suspect. Also, the fact that she went to Harvard makes Tommy worry she’s too smart for the rest of them. Lauren has always felt aligned with Kellee, but now wonders if she can trust the Harvard grad. Tommy’s fears are contagious, it seems.

Next, Kellee cries on Janet’s shoulder. Janet is sympathetic and agrees that if Kellee and others feel that Dan’s touching is creepy, then it is.

“Initially my take on Dan was that he was just an old-school guy that never really thought about what he was doing,” Janet says. “It’s stuff I would do around my lifeguards. I’m a very physical person.”

(Boundaries, people!)

Anyway, Janet just can’t ignore the feelings of the other women on the tribe. She tells Kellee that she will keep an eye on Dan, and if she sees anything inappropriate, she’s going to confront him.

Meanwhile, Missy and Elizabeth are plotting. They’ll do whatever it takes to get on the right side of the numbers. If that means playing up the fact that Dan has touched them, they will absolutely do so. That’s… wow. Yes, Missy and Elizabeth are in the minority alliance, but if they really don’t feel threatened or bothered by Dan’s behavior, it’s just monumentally disappointing. Kellee seems to have legitimate concerns, but you can already see how people like Janet aren’t sure whether to believe them. Lying hurts Dan, but it also hurts anyone who happens to be a real victim of his unwanted touching.

“Do you think it would blow up our game if we said something?” Kellee asks Elizabeth when the latter woman tells her story about Dan touching her on night one. (It’s unclear whether this happened. So far during this episode, the editors have shown video evidence of the action being complained about, but not here.)

“As much as I feel disgusted by him, I’m not going to make a game decision based off of those feelings,” says Kellee. “Dan makes sense as a decoy vote, but is he really the person that we want to get out?”

Remember how Lauren wasn’t sure whether she trusted Kellee? Lauren takes it to the next level when she goes and tells Missy that the Vokai plan to vote for her (Missy. There are way too many “hers” in this scene). Making a big deal out of the fact that Kellee talked to Missy for two hours despite these plans, Lauren tells a convincing story.

“She really was talking for two hours aout life,” Missy says.

“The best thing would be for you to win immunity,” Lauren answers.

Missy ends this segment by saying, “I can’t go out like a punk.”

Well, she almost ends it. The screen displays the following message:

The following morning the producers met with all the players, both as a group and individually.

They were cautioned about personal boundaries and reminded that producers are available to them at all times.

Based on the outcome of those discussions, the game continued.

In addition, producers met privately with Dan at which time he was issued a warning for his behavior.

Producers continue to monitor the situation.

You might want to jump in and say, “Well done!” here. You shouldn’t. The rest of the episode is pretty terrible and has caused a lot of people to quit watching the show, including a number of former cast members. So, buckle up, because it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

For now, it’s Immunity Challenge time, which means Probst takes back the Tribal idol and retires it. Individual Immunity will involve the players holding a table with three balls on it. They have to balance it. When all balls fall to the ground, they lose.

As you know, these challenges are deadly dull to recap, though they can make for pretty good television. Noura is first out. Ultimately, it comes down to Aaron versus Jamal versus Elizabeth, with the gentlemen comprising the final two. Finally, Jamal drops his table and falls over giving Aaron the victory. Probst asks Jamal if he needs medical, but he declines assistance.

“Out of everyone in the game, Missy is the biggest threat to win. The girl is smart, like she is thinking the way I am thinking.” Kellee evaluates her competitor, but confirms what Lauren had been saying. Missy is the Vokai target for tonight’s vote. Or is she?

By the way, the merged tribe is named Lumuwaku.

After the challenge, Missy is scared, and Lauren sees opportunity. The two of them agree to target Kellee at the next vote. Missy recognizes that the plan doesn’t work unless Tommy and Lauren are being honest with her. They also try to pull in Dean, but he does NOT feel good about it, seeing as how Kellee just saved him at the previous Tribal Council.

Tommy and Lauren also bring in Elaine, who’s been pretty quiet the last few episodes. She’s totally down for a Kellee vote, and Aaron and Elizabeth join as well. Basically, it’s Tommy, Lauren, and Dan plus former Lairo. Still seems a weird strategy, but we guess the notion that Kellee is dangerous is prevalent.

Vokai does seem firmly divided, as Jamal and Noura also discuss splitting off from a Tribal vote. Jamal wants to vote for Dan, and Noura is thrilled. “Just on a human level, I’m like, really disgusted [by Dan],” Noura says. Instead of keeping him around, she and Jamal are ready to get rid of him and the discomfort he has wrought.

When Jamal approaches Janet with the plan, she agrees that she’s fine with it as long as they have the numbers. In fact, she’s downright relieved, because she supports the women who have expressed their squeamishness about Dan.

“I just have a personal need to have these girls feel okay,” she says through tears. Janet truly likes Dan, but struggles with the fact that his behavior around camp has caused people to feel uncomfortable.

Janet approaches Elizabeth with the plan, telling her that she’s taking their side, especially after the meeting with the producers. She entrusts Elizabeth to be the Lairo messenger.

“Janet approached me about voting Dan out, and I know for a fact she’s lying to my face,” says Elizabeth. Hoo boy. “We know that they’re going to vote for Missy, so this Dan talk is smoke and mirrors.”

Boy, does she ever have a bad read on the situation. Nonetheless, she pretends to agree with Janet. Unfortunately, this is where things take a turn. We’re going to directly quote Elizabeth and let you all interpret things for yourself.

“I know that people are uncomfortable, saying, ‘Oh, he likes to cuddle. He’s touchy-feely.’ But honestly, I have felt safe this entire time, and if I had felt uncomfortable, I would have said, ‘please stop.’ So, I am writing down Kellee’s name, and I am hoping that seven other do as well.”

Elizabeth goes to Elaine to explain the situation, telling her that if Janet approaches any of the girls, they need to say they’re voting for Dan because they’re uncomfortable with his unwanted touching.

Elaine takes this opportunity to go straight to Dan and tell him all about Janet’s instructions/plan.

“I just thought you should know,” Elaine confides. “Don’t get squirrely.”

Dan is obviously upset, but tells Elaine he trusts her and thinks he trusts Missy.

“Screw them. I’m so over them.They’re so untrustworthy and so… I can’t fathom why Janet would target me. I’ve never been after Janet. She was someone I thought I could go deep with and I wanted to protect. So, what she is doing now is both stupid and represhensible to me.” Sharp words from a guy who just got a warning from the Survivor producers.

Next up, Jamal takes the Dan voting plan to Kellee and Karishma. Kellee is concerned about whether they have enough votes, particularly as it was her understanding that Missy was the target.

“I was just sitting there and everyone was in a group laughing, and I’m like, ‘Something is off.’” Kellee muses. She senses that Dan’s behavior is strange, and Karishma believes that Dan is likely to turn to the Lairo side.

Despite being nervous, Kellee reminds us that she just found an idol on the old Lairo beach, so she figures she’s fine for the next vote either way. She also remembers that there has historically been an additional idol added to the mix at merge, so she sets out to look and see if that’s true this time around.

While Kellee searches, Jamal approaches Tommy about voting for Dan, saying it’s mainly a self-preservation move. Tommy fist bumps him, but realizes that it’s really up to him and Lauren at Tribal Council. Do they vote for Dan or Kellee?

If they do vote Kellee, it might get interesting, because she just found another idol. So, at least she’s good for the next two votes, right? RIGHT?

Tribal Council starts with Probst bringing in Jack, the first member of the jury, apparently. Oddly enough, Probst starts by asking Dan about the vibe around camp. (Seriously? I mean, seriously? Did you also ask the Weinsteins about the vibe around their office? Or Michael Weatherly about the vibe on the set of Bull? Oh wait, we guess CBS is still airing that show, so yeah.)

Dan replies that it’s a weird game of shuffling parties, and notes that even though Survivor involves deception, it also has to be about trust. Oooookay, buddy.

Missy notes that you do have to trust somebody, because otherwise you’re on a metaphorical island as well as a physical one. “Trust is dope sometimes.”

The trust conversation continues, with Lauren saying that she believes trust outweighs deception. However, when Probst asks Kellee about the dichotomy, she laughs. Janet tries to explain that Kellee analyzes everything, but ultimately Kellee agrees that trust is key.

Probst goes back to Dan for some reason, who says, “It’s about the moment you can trust or not trust your own ability to judge people. You won’t know until the names are read.”

Kellee’s alarm bells should be ringing. Nonetheless, she sits tight when Jeff asks if anyone wants to play an idol. Lauren assures her during voting that they are “good.”

However, they are not in fact “good.” She lies to Kellee’s face. So much for trust, hey? Kellee walks away with two idols in her pocket and a bunch of regret. Though honestly, it seems that exactly what she feared came to pass: She spoke up about Dan and it put attention on her.

“Yeah, put that torch down,” says Dan. What a dick. By the way, he protected his Twitter account, which means he isn’t responding to anyone who sends him messages. Coward.

The first half of the show is over, and believe it or not, that was the good part. Now we discuss the depressing one.

“As much as you want to believe in trust, you’ve got to worry about deception,” says Probst.

Back at camp, Janet is devastated. Her vote was based on “what was right,” and no one wants to talk to her now that the vote is over.

“I was willing to jeopardize my game,” she says. Tommy tells her he understands how Janet feels and that he’s been on the wrong side of a vote, too.

“THIS was MORE than a vote,” she replies, pointing at him.

Lauren chimes in, “I was not comfortable with the way that things were coming to light.” WHAAT?

Lauren goes on, “I just don’t know that I was ready to deal with what was going on.” It’s been pointed out that this is how people often respond in similar situations, so perhaps we shouldn’t be overly judgmental here.

“This is a game at the end of the day, and I hope Kellee doesn’t take it personal.” Lauren claims she hasn’t had the same experience that Kellee did and she can only go on her own feelings. Unfortunately, I don’t see any way for Kellee to take it other than personally. Or Janet, for that matter.

Next, Janet goes to Dan and explains to him that Missy, Lauren, and Elizabeth all came to her crying and complaining about Dan’s inappropriate behavior. Thus, she agreed to vote for him as a protective, moral measure.

He thinks that’s pretty weird, because those girls come to him all the time asking him to “crack their back,” and says “it’s the most absurd accusation in the history of mankind.”

Her answer? “Well, they said it.”

She’s straightforward and honest with Dan in this moment, even referring to times when she has had to make a judgment at work in similar situations. He agrees, saying that he’s had to fire an employee for similar cause.

So, Dan goes to Missy and Elizabeth and tells them that he’s just in agony over the fact that any of what they told Janet was true, even for a nanosecond. He deeply apologizes.

“Dan, the only thing we can say to that is if we truly, truly felt that, did we not have the power to vote you out?” Missy asks.

He tells the two of them that Janet said the two of them came to her crying, and they both act like the biggest lie in the history of the world was told. “WHAT?” shrieks Elizabeth.

In confessional, Elizabeth says that she’s been having those conversations in more of a “joking way, and maybe that’s where we’re on the wrong part of it.”


Now, Aaron, Missy, Elizabeth, and Elaine all sit in a circle and tell Dan that everything has been misconstrued.

Dan: “It’s so reprehensible that she would use that as a tool in this game.”

This is Survivor’s worst moment, truly. Janet came to him with ALL honesty and forthrightness. Elizabeth and Missy, who by the way have admitted in news stories this week that they lied to further their game, and apologized for doing so, are everything that is wrong with society. Women aren’t believed. Women’s feelings are downplayed as insignificant in these matters. Women don’t report harassment, touching, or worse because they either won’t be believed, they’ll be punished in some way, or they will somehow be viewed as less than. When other women USE this to gain an advantage, it sets us all back.

“She’s a snake,” says one of the girls in reference to Janet.

“Well, I’m disgusted. Oh, I’m going to have a conversation with her tomorrow,” Elizabeth replies.

Know this. Janet deserves every kudo she has received. She acted with honesty and integrity throughout this entire horrible ordeal.

After Elizabeth and Missy make Janet out to be the bad guy, Janet approaches Dan again. He tells her that they claimed innocence and had NO idea what he was talking about when he told them what Janet had said. He tells her they said it was “a complete and utter lie.”

“I’ll go talk to Missy right now,” says Janet, knowing she’s on the side of the angels.

“I wouldn’t advise it,” Dan answers.

“Why? I’m not lying!”


“Janet, listen to me. Did she say it to you?”

“Missy, no. Liz did,” Janet affirms. In all seriousness, it does feel like she’s being gaslighted, though we may be overreacting due to editing here.

At this point, Janet asks Liz and Missy to come out of the shelter for a conversation.

“I think it’s better just left alone, Janet,” says Dan. Honestly, it feels far too much like they’re trying to silence her at this point.

When Janet recounts Elizabeth’s words about Dan back to her and asks her to confirm whether she said them, you can see Liz’s wheels spinning as she tries to figure out how to respond in a way where she doesn’t look like a dirtbag. Ultimately, the only thing she can say is, “Yeah, I did say that.”

Dan recoils.

“Elizabeth are we okay?” he asks.

“We’re fine,” Liz says.

Janet asks, “But you did say that?”

“I did.”

It’s easily the show’s lowest point, and the one that has caused many, many people to leave Survivor behind. It’ll be interesting to track ratings in the coming weeks, because we would be D-O-N-E if we weren’t doing this recap. Anyone who quits the show is 100 percent justified.

After Janet leaves, Elizabeth tells Dan that she had to say those things to get Janet off her back.

“That’s what I thought,” Dan murmurs.

We haven’t reached low tide, though.

Janet correctly says that conversations about sexual uncomfortability have no place in a joking environment or in a game environment.

“Lives are going to be destroyed and it’s too powerful to play with,” she concludes.

This past week, we’ve seen apologies from Elizabeth, Missy, and Aaron (who we’ll get to soon enough). As mentioned, Dan has had to make his Twitter private. None of this should have been a joke or a strategic gameplay move.

Former Survivor contestant Corinne Kaplan (admittedly not a favorite of ours) made the following comment on Twitter:

Survivor fans, y’all kept watching after the Jeff/Zeke ep. You kept watching after they fired Lynne Spillman. There has been a lot of change in that show and it isn’t the light hearted, fun reality show you once knew.

I feel bad that anyone is just now figuring that out.

This may be the beginning of the end for the show, or at the very least, for Jeff Probst, who so far just hasn’t seemed to get it.

We move forward with the show for now. Janet sleeps alone on the beach, unbeknownst to Missy and Aaron, who get up early in the morning to go idol hunting. Janet figures she needs that idol now that she has managed to ostracize herself by doing the right thing. She follows them.

Even though she can’t keep up with them, Janet doesn’t give up. She finds an idol. We figure that the Producers owed her this one. She cries, and we’re right there with her.

We haven’t seen Jamal and Karishma for a while, mainly because they were completely blindsided by the Kellee vote. They’re trying to figure out how to get out of their precarious numbers situation.

The two of them pretty much walk into a hanging note, which Jamal grabs. Karishma is none too happy about this behavior, but Jamal says he’s hoping whatever he finds will help them both. He’s headed to the Island of the Idols.

Needless to say, he’s blown away when he encounters Rob and Sandra. They all sit down together, and the two legends ask him to read his note that he picked up.

“You just learned a tough Survivor lesson. If it seems too good to be true, it usually is. The minute you grabbed this note, you lost your vote at the next Tribal Council.”

Rob tells Jamal that he’s just learned a valuable lesson about sabotage, and offers him the chance to do someone else dirty. Jamal is more than happy to take that opportunity, and Sandra hands him a note to open. It’s blank. Rob tells him it can be anything he wants it to be. Jamal also has a pencil, and Rob and Sandra tell him there is no limit other than his imagination to what he can do with his piece of parchment.

Jamal chooses to write a fake legacy advantage. He claims that he has to give this advantage to someone else, and that he has chosen Dean because it’s his birthday. Dean is mighty skeptical, but also feels like a target has been painted on his back.

Aaron sees this as a power move, solidifying the notion that Jamal must go.

Probst time. Two Immunity Idols are up for grabs. The challenge requires the Survivors to hold a handle behind them and lean out over the water and balance. Last people left standing will win (one man, one woman).

Once again, this is crap to describe. Aaron wins for the guys (it comes down to him and Tommy). The final two are Elizabeth and Missy, and the latter wins. Basically, evil is on top for this episode.

Missy notes that Janet, Jamal, and Karishma are all targets for different reasons. Each person benefits a different person’s game. Jamal and Janet talk it through, and they figure it’ll be a split vote. They decide to split between Karishma and Jamal, ensuring that if Jamal got an idol at the Island, they can still eliminate someone they don’t want around.

Tommy approaches Janet and tells her that she’s safe at this vote, but she’s packing her idol just in case.

It’s Tribal Council, and we start with Janet reminding us that her decisions on the previous vote were based on her ethics. Aaron, on the other hand, spells out exactly who voted for Kellee and exactly who voted for Dan.

Missy then takes a moment to try to put Janet on the defensive by asking her who she had planned to vote for before switching to Dan. Janet flat out acknowledges that Missy was the intended target, but because many women told her Dan was a problem, she changed her vote. Somehow, Missy thinks, “But we just met you” is a suitable defense for using sexual harassment lies to further her gameplay.

It gets worse, though. Aaron says, “I want to make it clear, this was a Survivor play that went wrong for Janet, unfortunately.”

“You don’t know anything about it,” Janet says.

“I know a lot about it,” Aaron says, preparing to dig his own grave in the world of public perception. “What’s happening now is that the victim role is being assumed by Janet, instead of taking responsibility, is trying to spin this into something that could potentially affect the life of Dan. If this was truly a general tribal concern, I would have been involved, Tommy would have been involved, Dean would have been involved.”

Rob and Sandra, watching from their secret hideout, both say, “No.” They are correct.

Jamal agrees. “No, no. This whole idea of ‘I would have heard about it,’ ‘He would have heard about it,’ that’s exactly what happens in the real world, guys. This is exactly what happens in the real world. When a woman brings up a charge and people wanna negate whether or not it’s legitimate. They say, ‘Like, well, if it was such a big issue, then she would have brought it up last year… two years ago… three years ago. We are not entitled to know things just because we’re men or just because we’re in power.”

We’ll just let those words stand for themselves.

Aaron digs deeper, though. “If it’s the real world, take Survivor out of the question, then yes. I’ve got two sisters, I’ve got a mother. Most of my personal training clients that I work with are female. This is not an issue that in the real world, I take lightly. But the issue is these two worlds are being meshed together, so I also have to look at Dan’s position and say, ‘if this were being said about me, I’d be very upset.’”

Well, okay, then! Kellee facepalms from the juror box. Unfortunately, she must stay silent as per the rules of Survivor. But hey, at least Probst is going to ask Dan how he feels about it!

“Is the bottom line we’re not gonna let this go?” Dan asks.

Probst stammers.

“As much as 12 people on this tribe respect the non-game aspect that it was inappropriate to have it infiltrate in the game,” Dan says. (Well, maybe five. The ones who voted for Dan for the right reasons.)

Dan goes on. “The vote was honestly about trust and deception.” (It was, but not in the way he’s implying.) “The fact that things were used that I don’t think should ever be used in the game, you know, it’s upsetting.”

Oh, we’re sorry that you’re upset that the person you touched inappropriately was voted out and the woman who stood up for justice continues to be demonized for doing so.

“I don’t want to be a part of anything that makes anyone feel bad,” he finishes. Cut to Kellee. Sigh.

Karishma says that perception is reality, and the way Janet has described the situation is what she has “perceived” was going on. Aaron rolls his eyes. We link to his apology video.

“This issue is a lot bigger than the game of Survivor,” Jamal says. “Far be it for me to speak for women… It behooves us all as men to take a step back and look at our own behavior and imagine that you had no idea that what you were doing was inappropriate , was making someone uncomfortable, and you believe women if they choose to bring that up, because it’s difficult enough to do that in and of itself.”

Probst asks Dan if this situation is the result of a specific incident or an accumulation of different incidents.

“Since it clearly won’t be let go,” (WTF, Dan? Why should it be let go? Because you’re uncomfortable?) “First of all, I work in the most high-wire industry in regards to this business. Most of my clients are women. Most of the people I work with are women. I work in an industry in which the #MeToo movement was formed, in which it was allowed, thank God, to blossom, in which it was allowed to become powerful, and strong, and my personal feeling is if anyone ever felt for a second uncomfortable about anything I’ve ever done, I’m horrified about that, and I’m terribly sorry. And if that person was Kellee, if Kellee ever felt that in the freezing cold rain or in tight shelters, or in walking around and saying excuse me, I’m coming through (side note: Dan grabs Noura’s shoulder and arm to illustrate his point) or all the ways we have to crawl over and around and through each other in this game I ever did anything even remotely that made her uncomfortable, it horrifies me, and I am terribly sorry.”

Sounds like disingenuous excuse-making. We hope we’re wrong, but there is VIDEO evidence of everything Kellee said. We were making Creepy Dan jokes in episode one. Unfortunately, there was truth behind it.

When Probst turns back to Janet, she says that she’s trying to decide if she should even stay in the game. “Never would I have wanted to create a problem with this platform,” she says. Missy looks supremely uncomfortable at this. Janet continues, “I feel the hatred. I feel so alone.”

At this, the women finally react, with Lauren and Karishma assuring Janet that they don’t feel that way at all. Missy’s face is full of remorse, but Elizabeth sits as passive as a stone.

“Survivor does mirror real life at points in time,” says Lauren.

People. You are still living. You are all still people with feelings. It’s real life all the time. Who you are in this game cannot be separated from who you are when you go home. At least five of you are learning this the hard way, and perhaps more.

By the way, there’s a vote. Janet plays her idol for herself, but she didn’t need to. Jamal loses. This episode sucked.

To summarize, Elizabeth, Missy, Lauren, and Aaron all apologized in some fashion this week, whether via tweet, video or other. Kellee has commented that some things were omitted from the show, including Janet telling Dan that his touching of women was different than hers. Also, Survivor neglected to tell Kellee that Dan had received a warning.

Probst continues to talk about how Survivor is a microcosm of the world, but this was handled poorly. CBS has a systemic problem, from this example to Les Moonves to Bull/Michael Weatherly and the recent incident with the allegations from the writers of Carol’s Second Act. Maybe it’s best that network TV is going the way of the dodo.



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